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Soundflower download wont work

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There is no partnership between Figure 53 and any of these tools or services.

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The methods and tools used here were chosen because they’re known to work, are free or as inexpensive as possible, and are relatively straightforward. This document will walk you through the steps needed to achieve that, and point out some software, devices, and services which make it possible. Depending on the nature of the production and the level of detail in the sound and projection design, it can be desirable to route the output of QLab directly to the live-stream for the highest fidelity. Live-streaming a theatrical event can be as simple as pointing a webcam at the stage and starting your show, or it can be a sophisticated broadcast event with multiple cameras and sources of video and audio.

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Figure 53 does not condone live-streaming of any event without the express permission of all relevant parties, and simultaneously we encourage all relevant parties to learn more about live-streaming to see if it’s a good tool for them. Producers, creators, and labor unions have all struggled with when, how, and how much to incorporate streaming technology into theatrical performances.

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Live-streaming theater is a bit of a hot topic for many people and many organizations.

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